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Two sisters separated at birth are suddenly reunited; one is now a Special Forces Agent fighting organised crime, the other is London’s most powerful Drug Lord.


‘Song of the Goat’ will push the boundaries of the crime/thriller genre by focusing on two strong female leads and incorporating a realistic portrayal of crime and modern life in contemporary London, creating a true hybrid of the drama and thriller genres.
On the surface, the film focuses on the investigation of Helen Barre, a work obsessed wife with two children on a mission to ‘right the wrongs of society’. For years she has failed to cease the infamous ‘Black Widow’ drug, a black-dyed cocaine that has fiercely taken over the narcotics world of London.
The person behind this drug enterprise is Miss Athena Alanis, ultra-intelligent businesswomen who hides in plain site using her coffee chain ‘Noir’ as a legitimate means to make money, import her drug from Peru and launder her true earnings. Alongside her childhood friend and business partner, Dale, who runs a delivery logistics business, the two have invented an untraceable system selling their drug online via the ‘Dark Web’.
Due to the death of their father it is soon revealed the two women are sisters, completely unknown to each other and they are suddenly reunited.


Ultra-intelligent businesswomen who began life as a drug runner at the age of 12 after the death of her mother. During the digital boom in the early naughties she quickly learned the power of the dark web and created a system for selling drugs online to the masses and has now perfected the technique with a truly untraceable system which is leaving authorities scratching their heads.


Work-obsessed mother of two with a doting husband who she never sees. Having studied and tried to follow in the footsteps of her father, she attempted to become a lawyer but soon realised the legal system could be abused. So instead she decided to choose a career which would allow her to bring justice on those who do wrong and is now investigating the infamous Black Widow drug.


The Plan

By | May 25th, 2018|Categories: News|

With the script and marketing examples finished it was now time to meet up with the original team (who [...]

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